
Joe Daniel / DECEMBER 26, 2024

Introducing the 2-3 Defense | FBCP S17E13

Introducing the 2-3 Defense | FBCP S17E13

The Football Coaching Podcast with Joe Daniel

Introducing the 2-3 Defense

The Football Coaching Podcast with Joe Daniel

Introducing the 2-3 Defense

When regular defenses wouldn’t work for his team, Coach Hicks turned to his studies to create a new look defense for the Baltimore area.

On this episode Joe and Daniel are joined by Coach Hicks to talk through his 2-3 defense, why he made it, and what the numbers said about how it turned a program around.

What is the 2-3 Defense?

• It is a 2-High Safety, 3 Defensive lineman defense
• Primarily run Cover 2 variations, such as Cover 2-man.
• Similar to the 3-4, but using true Safeties as OLB

Why do you use the 2-3 Defense over other base schemes?

• School was struggling trying to use common defenses, the shake up allowed the team to be successful
• Personnel fit different scheme than commonly ran schemes.

Social Media

• Sa'Quan Hicks
         • Darealcoachtrap
• Daniel
         • Twitter: @CoachChamboOK
         • Email: ChamberlainFootballCoaching@gmail.com
• Joe
          •Twitter: @FOOTBALLINFO
          •Email: Joe@JoeDanielFootball.com
         •Twitter: @TheFBCP

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